Berdoalah kepada ALLAH sentiasa walau diri penuh dengan dosa dan noda.
INGAT! Sesungguhnya ALLAH itu Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Mengasihani
Nov 14, 2009
Nov 3, 2009
Malas Day
Have things to do but I'm in my malas mode..... Next week I have a course to run but erm the malas bug is really biting extra hard today.
All I want to do is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz the day away. Now pun I'm practically yawning away... auw my jaws hurt dah from all the yawning.
Wish I can doze off sekejap but it's too early in the day, I need to finish what I am doing now, at least when the dragon asks, I can show that there's some progress from last we had the discussion on what is to be done for next week.
Ermmmmm, need to wait for lunch break to get my forty winks.... hei hei hei ~peace~
All I want to do is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz the day away. Now pun I'm practically yawning away... auw my jaws hurt dah from all the yawning.
Wish I can doze off sekejap but it's too early in the day, I need to finish what I am doing now, at least when the dragon asks, I can show that there's some progress from last we had the discussion on what is to be done for next week.
Ermmmmm, need to wait for lunch break to get my forty winks.... hei hei hei ~peace~
Oct 27, 2009
Something to share, I took if from a posting my friend has uploaded on facebook. Wonder whether this is a common phenomenom all over the world.....??????
Today at 10.34 a.m.
1. Let's have a meeting before a meeting.
These people thrive in big offices where they can spend their days going to meeting after meeting, instead of actually working.
2. How the hell did they get their job?
Every office has one - the person who never fails to baffle their co-workers with their incompetence.
3. I hurry, therefore I am...
This type lives on a steady diet of stress - they can't work without pressure and everything must be done in a rush even if there is no need for it.
4. I'm sick but too important to go home.
These people flatter themselves that they are indispensable. they think the world will stop if they don't go to work.
5. You must respect my authority.
These types patronise those younger than them and have an inflated sense of their own importance. They are fond of lecturing their co-workers about how if they olay their cards right, they might one day end up like them.
6. Have you seen whatshisname?
These people have a few clever tactics for not to be around. They'll leave their jacket on the chair and say I'll be back in five minutes, then you won't see them for three days.
7. Someone more important has come up....
These types think nothing of ordering you in for a meeting, then taking a phone call and ignoring you for half an hour while you wait patiently.
8. I'm actually nice....
These people use e-mail to devastating effect - they think nothing of writing a nasty note and concluding it with a smiley note.
9. I know stuff before you do....
These people love to spread bad news. They feed off misery and love knowing before everyone else that job cuts are coming - which they will spread around the office with glee.
10. I, I....I....
These types step in at the last minute and take all the credit for any success, without actually doing any of the work.
New Zealand Herald
Sunday, 6 September 2009
Emmmm, after reading all these, it makes me wonder whether in the eyes of others, I too fall into one of the categories listed. Maybe, I don't know.... but one thing I definitely know is that I do not want to be in any of these categories....InsyaAllah.... I want to be known as someone who does not easily shirk any duties given to me, and that I'll do my upmost to make it a success.
Anyway what do you think of this list.... do you think there are people like this in your organisation?
Today at 10.34 a.m.
1. Let's have a meeting before a meeting.
These people thrive in big offices where they can spend their days going to meeting after meeting, instead of actually working.
2. How the hell did they get their job?
Every office has one - the person who never fails to baffle their co-workers with their incompetence.
3. I hurry, therefore I am...
This type lives on a steady diet of stress - they can't work without pressure and everything must be done in a rush even if there is no need for it.
4. I'm sick but too important to go home.
These people flatter themselves that they are indispensable. they think the world will stop if they don't go to work.
5. You must respect my authority.
These types patronise those younger than them and have an inflated sense of their own importance. They are fond of lecturing their co-workers about how if they olay their cards right, they might one day end up like them.
6. Have you seen whatshisname?
These people have a few clever tactics for not to be around. They'll leave their jacket on the chair and say I'll be back in five minutes, then you won't see them for three days.
7. Someone more important has come up....
These types think nothing of ordering you in for a meeting, then taking a phone call and ignoring you for half an hour while you wait patiently.
8. I'm actually nice....
These people use e-mail to devastating effect - they think nothing of writing a nasty note and concluding it with a smiley note.
9. I know stuff before you do....
These people love to spread bad news. They feed off misery and love knowing before everyone else that job cuts are coming - which they will spread around the office with glee.
10. I, I....I....
These types step in at the last minute and take all the credit for any success, without actually doing any of the work.
New Zealand Herald
Sunday, 6 September 2009
Emmmm, after reading all these, it makes me wonder whether in the eyes of others, I too fall into one of the categories listed. Maybe, I don't know.... but one thing I definitely know is that I do not want to be in any of these categories....InsyaAllah.... I want to be known as someone who does not easily shirk any duties given to me, and that I'll do my upmost to make it a success.
Anyway what do you think of this list.... do you think there are people like this in your organisation?
Oct 1, 2009
Something I took from my niece's facebook, I'm not sure whether she wrote it or if she took it from somewhere, but I just would like to share it with you... boleh dijadi ingatan untuk kita bersama...
Kalau Allah tu Maha Penyayang, kenapa cipta Neraka?
Ceritanya begini, di sebuah negeri yang melaksanakan dasar ‘Membangun Bersama Islam’, kerap kali pihak berkuasa tempatan menjalankan pemeriksaan mengejut di premis-premis perniagaan dan kompleks beli-belah, untuk memastikan para pekerja di premis berkenaan menutup aurat.
Aku tak pasti berapa jumlah denda yang dikenakan sekiranya didapati melakukan kesalahan, tapi selalunya mereka akan diberi amaran bagi kesalahan pertama, dan didenda jika didapati masih enggan mematuhi garis panduan yang ditetapkan. Lazimnya dalam setiap operasi sebegini, seorang ustaz ditugaskan bersama dengan para pegawai pihak berkuasa tempatan. Tugasnya adalah untuk menyampaikan nasihat secara berhemah, kerana hukuman dan denda semata-mata tidak mampu memberi kesan yang mendalam.
Dalam satu insiden, ketika operasi yang dijalankan sekitar 2005, seorang gadis yang bekerja di salah satu lot premis perniagaan di Pasaraya Billion telah didapati melakukan kesalahan tidak menutup aurat. Maka dia pun kena denda la…setelah surat saman dihulurkan oleh pegawai PBT, ustaz ni pun bagi la nasihat, “..lepas ni diharap saudari insaf dan dapat mematuhi peraturan..peratura n ni bukan semata-mata peraturan majlis perbandaran, tapi menutup aurat ni termasuk perintah Allah. Ringkasnya, kalau taat segala perintahNya, pasti Dia akan membalas dengan nikmat di syurga..kalau derhaka tak nak patuhi perintahNya, takut nanti tak sempat bertaubat, bakal mendapat azab di neraka Allah. Tuhan Maha Penyayang, Dia sendiri tak mahu kita campakkan diri ke dalam neraka…“
Gadis tersebut yang dari awal mendiamkan diri,tiba-tiba membentak “Kalau Tuhan tu betul-betul baik, kenapa buat neraka? Kenapa tak boleh sediakan syurga je? Macam tu ke Tuhan Maha Penyayang?” Mungkin dari tadi dia dah panas telinga, tak tahan dengar nasihat ustaz tu..dah la hati panas kena denda sebab dia tak pakai tudung..
Ustaz tu terkedu sekejap. Bahaya budak ni. Kalau dibiarkan boleh rosak akidah dia. Setelah habis gadis tu membebel, ustaz tu pun jawab:”Dik, kalau Tuhan tak buat neraka, saya tak jadi ustaz. Berapa sen sangat gaji saya sekarang. Baik saya jadi tokey judi, atau bapa ayam.. hidup senang, lepas mati pun tak risau sebab gerenti masuk syurga… Mungkin awak ni pun saya boleh culik dan jual jadi pelacur. Kalau awak nak lari, saya bunuh je. Takpe, sebab neraka tak ada. Nanti kita berdua jumpa lagi kat syurga..Kan Tuhan tu baik?“
Gadis tu terkejut. Tergamak seorang ustaz cakap macam tu? Sedang dia terpinga-pinga dengan muka confused, ustaz tu pun jelaskan: “perkara macam tadi akan berlaku kalau Tuhan hanya sediakan syurga. Orang baik,orang jahat, semua masuk syurga..maka apa guna jadi orang baik? Jadi orang jahat lebih seronok. Manusia tak perlu lagi diuji sebab semua orang akan ‘lulus’ percuma. Pembunuh akan jumpa orang yang dibunuh dalam syurga..perogol akan bertemu lagi dengan mangsa rogol di syurga..lepas tu boleh rogol lagi kalau dia nak..takde siapa yang terima hukuman. Sebab Tuhan itu ‘baik’. Adakah Tuhan macam ni yang kita nak? Awak rasa, adil ke?“; tanya ustaz.
“Ah…mana adil macam tu. Orang jahat takkan la terlepas camtu je..” rungut si gadis.
Ustaz tersenyum dan menyoal lagi: “Bila tuhan tak adil, boleh ke dianggap baik?“
Gadis tu terdiam.
Ustaz mengakhiri kata-katanya:”Adik, saya bagi nasihat ni kerana kasih sesama umat Islam. Allah itu Maha Penyayang, tapi Dia juga Maha Adil. Sebab tu neraka perlu wujud. Untuk menghukum hamba-hambaNya yang derhaka, yang menzalimi diri sendiri dan juga orang lain. Saya rasa awak dah faham sekarang. Kita sedang diuji kat atas dunia ni. Jasad kita bahkan segala-galanya milik Allah, maka bukan HAK kita untuk berpakaian sesuka hati kita. Ingatlah; semuanya dipinjamkan olehNya, sebagai amanah dan ujian..semoga kita dapat bersabar dalam mentaati segala perintahNya, untuk kebaikan diri kita juga.
Kalau Allah tu Maha Penyayang, kenapa cipta Neraka?
Ceritanya begini, di sebuah negeri yang melaksanakan dasar ‘Membangun Bersama Islam’, kerap kali pihak berkuasa tempatan menjalankan pemeriksaan mengejut di premis-premis perniagaan dan kompleks beli-belah, untuk memastikan para pekerja di premis berkenaan menutup aurat.
Aku tak pasti berapa jumlah denda yang dikenakan sekiranya didapati melakukan kesalahan, tapi selalunya mereka akan diberi amaran bagi kesalahan pertama, dan didenda jika didapati masih enggan mematuhi garis panduan yang ditetapkan. Lazimnya dalam setiap operasi sebegini, seorang ustaz ditugaskan bersama dengan para pegawai pihak berkuasa tempatan. Tugasnya adalah untuk menyampaikan nasihat secara berhemah, kerana hukuman dan denda semata-mata tidak mampu memberi kesan yang mendalam.
Dalam satu insiden, ketika operasi yang dijalankan sekitar 2005, seorang gadis yang bekerja di salah satu lot premis perniagaan di Pasaraya Billion telah didapati melakukan kesalahan tidak menutup aurat. Maka dia pun kena denda la…setelah surat saman dihulurkan oleh pegawai PBT, ustaz ni pun bagi la nasihat, “..lepas ni diharap saudari insaf dan dapat mematuhi peraturan..peratura n ni bukan semata-mata peraturan majlis perbandaran, tapi menutup aurat ni termasuk perintah Allah. Ringkasnya, kalau taat segala perintahNya, pasti Dia akan membalas dengan nikmat di syurga..kalau derhaka tak nak patuhi perintahNya, takut nanti tak sempat bertaubat, bakal mendapat azab di neraka Allah. Tuhan Maha Penyayang, Dia sendiri tak mahu kita campakkan diri ke dalam neraka…“
Gadis tersebut yang dari awal mendiamkan diri,tiba-tiba membentak “Kalau Tuhan tu betul-betul baik, kenapa buat neraka? Kenapa tak boleh sediakan syurga je? Macam tu ke Tuhan Maha Penyayang?” Mungkin dari tadi dia dah panas telinga, tak tahan dengar nasihat ustaz tu..dah la hati panas kena denda sebab dia tak pakai tudung..
Ustaz tu terkedu sekejap. Bahaya budak ni. Kalau dibiarkan boleh rosak akidah dia. Setelah habis gadis tu membebel, ustaz tu pun jawab:”Dik, kalau Tuhan tak buat neraka, saya tak jadi ustaz. Berapa sen sangat gaji saya sekarang. Baik saya jadi tokey judi, atau bapa ayam.. hidup senang, lepas mati pun tak risau sebab gerenti masuk syurga… Mungkin awak ni pun saya boleh culik dan jual jadi pelacur. Kalau awak nak lari, saya bunuh je. Takpe, sebab neraka tak ada. Nanti kita berdua jumpa lagi kat syurga..Kan Tuhan tu baik?“
Gadis tu terkejut. Tergamak seorang ustaz cakap macam tu? Sedang dia terpinga-pinga dengan muka confused, ustaz tu pun jelaskan: “perkara macam tadi akan berlaku kalau Tuhan hanya sediakan syurga. Orang baik,orang jahat, semua masuk syurga..maka apa guna jadi orang baik? Jadi orang jahat lebih seronok. Manusia tak perlu lagi diuji sebab semua orang akan ‘lulus’ percuma. Pembunuh akan jumpa orang yang dibunuh dalam syurga..perogol akan bertemu lagi dengan mangsa rogol di syurga..lepas tu boleh rogol lagi kalau dia nak..takde siapa yang terima hukuman. Sebab Tuhan itu ‘baik’. Adakah Tuhan macam ni yang kita nak? Awak rasa, adil ke?“; tanya ustaz.
“Ah…mana adil macam tu. Orang jahat takkan la terlepas camtu je..” rungut si gadis.
Ustaz tersenyum dan menyoal lagi: “Bila tuhan tak adil, boleh ke dianggap baik?“
Gadis tu terdiam.
Ustaz mengakhiri kata-katanya:”Adik, saya bagi nasihat ni kerana kasih sesama umat Islam. Allah itu Maha Penyayang, tapi Dia juga Maha Adil. Sebab tu neraka perlu wujud. Untuk menghukum hamba-hambaNya yang derhaka, yang menzalimi diri sendiri dan juga orang lain. Saya rasa awak dah faham sekarang. Kita sedang diuji kat atas dunia ni. Jasad kita bahkan segala-galanya milik Allah, maka bukan HAK kita untuk berpakaian sesuka hati kita. Ingatlah; semuanya dipinjamkan olehNya, sebagai amanah dan ujian..semoga kita dapat bersabar dalam mentaati segala perintahNya, untuk kebaikan diri kita juga.
Sep 20, 2009
Eid Mubarak
Sep 9, 2009
Dua tiga minggu nih asyik duk busy dengan MPK & FM. Dah naik jelak dah buat benda tak juga siap-siap hu hu hu hu....... nak balik bawak balik, buat tak jaga siapnya, datang office buat lagi, tak juga siap siapnya........... pening sudah kepala ini
Tak tau la bila nak siap nih, hari ni pun duk ngadap dua benda ni jugak, letih n penat dah duk perbetulkan ape yang kena betulkan. Nak muntah dah weh buat carta aliran for setiap proses kerja yang perlu dibuat....... uweeeeeek!!!!!!
Eh aku ni kan posa mana boleh uweeeek, cancel cancel nak uwek pasal MPK & FM ni pun kena tunggu lepas buka posa, nasib nasib.........
MPK - Manual Prosedur Kerja
FM - Fail Meja ye bukan Foreign Minister!!!
Tak tau la bila nak siap nih, hari ni pun duk ngadap dua benda ni jugak, letih n penat dah duk perbetulkan ape yang kena betulkan. Nak muntah dah weh buat carta aliran for setiap proses kerja yang perlu dibuat....... uweeeeeek!!!!!!
Eh aku ni kan posa mana boleh uweeeek, cancel cancel nak uwek pasal MPK & FM ni pun kena tunggu lepas buka posa, nasib nasib.........
MPK - Manual Prosedur Kerja
FM - Fail Meja ye bukan Foreign Minister!!!
Aug 31, 2009
Merdeka Day & Happy Birthday
to Kak Ngah, Happy Belated Birthday, sorry lupa nak wish yesterday when we meet for the breaking of fast at Fir's house. By the way my sister was born one day before Malaysia got her independence in 1957, that was on the 30th of August. According to my late mum, my father was at Dataran Merdeka rehearsing for the merdeka celebration when she was born. And among my siblings, i tend to never to forget her birthday, how could i with all the media going all out about celebrating merdeka day on 31 August every year. A blessing in disguise wouldn't you say so for me..hei hei hei
Aug 23, 2009
Second day of Ramadan, it's a blessing this year dapat start the fasting dengan hari yang tak bekerja. Boleh concentrate on the ramadan more than work. Boleh juga la periok belanga ku berbunyi, if tak bazar ramadan la tempat aku memasak nanti, so boleh la skill aku memasak yang tak seberape tu di uji kihkihkihkih......
Yang paling tak ku gemar is that bila puasa bermula on a working day, everyone is rushing to go back in time for the breaking of fast and the road will be chock full of traffic. Tersilap masa by just a second pun, terperangkap dalam traffic la maknanya, happened to me a few times dah the past few years. Now I'm very mindful of the fact, sampai dah siapkan bekal kurma and mineral water dalam kereta, mana la tau kut tak sempat sampai, boleh jugak berbuka, albeit in the car, tapi tak pe la asal ibadah puasa tu dapat dijalankan dengan sempurna.
So this year bekal kurma dah siap, but i'll be trying my darnest to get home in time before azan magrib, at least tak la rushing sangat nak bersiap untuk gi solat terawih. Nasib la surau tu tak jauh sangat dari rumah, jalan kaki ke sana pun boleh........
Yang paling tak ku gemar is that bila puasa bermula on a working day, everyone is rushing to go back in time for the breaking of fast and the road will be chock full of traffic. Tersilap masa by just a second pun, terperangkap dalam traffic la maknanya, happened to me a few times dah the past few years. Now I'm very mindful of the fact, sampai dah siapkan bekal kurma and mineral water dalam kereta, mana la tau kut tak sempat sampai, boleh jugak berbuka, albeit in the car, tapi tak pe la asal ibadah puasa tu dapat dijalankan dengan sempurna.
So this year bekal kurma dah siap, but i'll be trying my darnest to get home in time before azan magrib, at least tak la rushing sangat nak bersiap untuk gi solat terawih. Nasib la surau tu tak jauh sangat dari rumah, jalan kaki ke sana pun boleh........
Aug 22, 2009
Ramadan Al-Mubarak
First day of puasa, selamat berpuasa untuk semua, yang ku kenal dan tak ku kenali. Moga ibadah puasa yang jalani bersama ini akan mendatangkan keberkatan kepada kita semua. Disamping itu semoga amalan yang kita lakukan sepanjang puasa ini akan diterima Allah.....
p.s: moga tak tertinggal satu pun solat terawih untuk sepanjang ramadan ini (^_^),
Aug 18, 2009
IDFR Welfare Club had a farewell do for IDFR staffs yang dah pindah ke jabatan lain or retired from service. Out of the nine, four turned up for the do.... Alhamdullilah and thank you to them for turning up. I was so worried that not one of the invited guests will turn up for the do. Ye lah, most but not all asked to be transferred out and some left with a bitter after taste in their mouth, so that sort of scared me a lot, since I'm part of the organising committee. Things lagi rasa worst since Dato' really really looked displeased about having the do one day ahead of a major event that the Institute is hosting.......Erm ntah la this year memang jinx agaknya for me, mesti aje ada yang tak kena kat mana-mana.
Anyway the farewell went off well, even though Dato' came down late to grace the event, way later then Tan Sri, boss yang paling atas. Tan Sri nampak ok, but Dato' sat there with a frown on her face and dengan muka masam to boot. When I invited her to sit at the main table pun dia refused, before leaving a while later, tanpa menjamah apa-apa pun yang terhidang. I'm really in hot soup with her on this, it seems dia rasa kurang puas hati because I did'nt go to see her to inform her about the do beforehand. Well...... I admit it was an oversight on my part, ye lah mana nak kejar Tan Sri to see which date yang dia free, preparation untuk course that my Division was running, nak kena buat MPK and the endless meetings yang kena attend, as a result lupa la pulak nak masuk mengadap dia. Now have to face the music la nampaknya, regardless of whether I like it or not..... Ye la SYMP katakan...... hei hei hei hei
Anyway the farewell went off well, even though Dato' came down late to grace the event, way later then Tan Sri, boss yang paling atas. Tan Sri nampak ok, but Dato' sat there with a frown on her face and dengan muka masam to boot. When I invited her to sit at the main table pun dia refused, before leaving a while later, tanpa menjamah apa-apa pun yang terhidang. I'm really in hot soup with her on this, it seems dia rasa kurang puas hati because I did'nt go to see her to inform her about the do beforehand. Well...... I admit it was an oversight on my part, ye lah mana nak kejar Tan Sri to see which date yang dia free, preparation untuk course that my Division was running, nak kena buat MPK and the endless meetings yang kena attend, as a result lupa la pulak nak masuk mengadap dia. Now have to face the music la nampaknya, regardless of whether I like it or not..... Ye la SYMP katakan...... hei hei hei hei
Aug 17, 2009
Posa is just around the corner, half of the year nearly gone and a lot have happened to me. I wonder what more is waiting for me for the rest of the year, only Allah knows. I can plan but Allah will decides whether what I plan for the rest of the year will bear fruit or not. Yup, looking back to the past months of 2009, it had been an eventful year.....
POSA.....talking or thinking about posa makes me realised that this year, Che (that's how I addressed my late mother) won't be around to share the Ramadan with the family. I wonder how posa would be like this year....last year everybody spent the fasting month and had the raya celebration in Kuala Lumpur, a first for Che and Wae (my father) not to posa and beraya at the kampung. Yes definitely it will be different this year. For me there won't be any mad rush to buy ticket to go back to the kampung 'cos I'm not too sure as to where I'll be celebrating this raya, yang penting sekarang posa dulu.
POSA.....talking or thinking about posa makes me realised that this year, Che (that's how I addressed my late mother) won't be around to share the Ramadan with the family. I wonder how posa would be like this year....last year everybody spent the fasting month and had the raya celebration in Kuala Lumpur, a first for Che and Wae (my father) not to posa and beraya at the kampung. Yes definitely it will be different this year. For me there won't be any mad rush to buy ticket to go back to the kampung 'cos I'm not too sure as to where I'll be celebrating this raya, yang penting sekarang posa dulu.
Aug 8, 2009
Venting my frustration
I hate it when people looked down their noses at me and have this holier then thou expression on their faces, especially when the course is running, as if I have not put in my blood, sweat and tears to ensure that the course would be a success. I REALLY REALLY HATE IT..... ar'gh.... but I have to istighfar banyak-banyak and keep saying to myself sabar, sabar think of their age, otai kata kan, but ar'gh, one of them really bugs me more than the other...hem sabar aje lah..
She has this holier than thou attitude everytime we have a course to run together and never lift a finger to help with the logistics for the course and when anything goes wrong... the blame falls on my lap, is that fair?????? aaaaaar'gh thinking of it is enough to make my mood go all sour. Just because she's pampered at home and everything gets done for her, don't expect the same thing at the office, buat sama-sama la, berat sama dipikul ringan sama dijinjing. All she wants to do is, sits back like a queen, with arms akimbo, and look down her snooty nose at me scurrying around ensuring that everything is in place. I thing that what really bugs me most is when dia bekira sangat about the division of work. If it appears as if I have less teaching hours then her, she'll go crying to the Director, asking the Director to intervene on her behalf and to make sure that I get equal cuts of the pie same as her...and most of the time the Director will side her, just because they are good friends from way back. All she wants to do is just to waltz in and teach. But she doesn't give a thought that while she's happily teaching, I'll be running around in circles, chasing after the course clerks to make sure that everything is in place and no hiccups will occur thoughout the duration of the course and at the same time preparing for my lectures.
Talking about the course clerks (one otai and one with an attitude) and in some ways the P.A to the Director too is part of the circus, is another story all together.... enough said. Come to think of it there's more otai compared to the not so otai in my division....erm sabar aje lah.
She has this holier than thou attitude everytime we have a course to run together and never lift a finger to help with the logistics for the course and when anything goes wrong... the blame falls on my lap, is that fair?????? aaaaaar'gh thinking of it is enough to make my mood go all sour. Just because she's pampered at home and everything gets done for her, don't expect the same thing at the office, buat sama-sama la, berat sama dipikul ringan sama dijinjing. All she wants to do is, sits back like a queen, with arms akimbo, and look down her snooty nose at me scurrying around ensuring that everything is in place. I thing that what really bugs me most is when dia bekira sangat about the division of work. If it appears as if I have less teaching hours then her, she'll go crying to the Director, asking the Director to intervene on her behalf and to make sure that I get equal cuts of the pie same as her...and most of the time the Director will side her, just because they are good friends from way back. All she wants to do is just to waltz in and teach. But she doesn't give a thought that while she's happily teaching, I'll be running around in circles, chasing after the course clerks to make sure that everything is in place and no hiccups will occur thoughout the duration of the course and at the same time preparing for my lectures.
Talking about the course clerks (one otai and one with an attitude) and in some ways the P.A to the Director too is part of the circus, is another story all together.... enough said. Come to think of it there's more otai compared to the not so otai in my division....erm sabar aje lah.
Jul 4, 2009
Busy Moments
This past few weeks have been a whirlwind week for me, even the weekends were not rest days - either I have to work or ran errands for people, and this weekend is also the same. But ni kira macam curi tulang la ni, jengok here kejap to write something...
Phew! letih betul.... and is this going to be the trend for this year, I don't know.... even my third sis is bengang with me, all because I said that too much had happened this year and that I'm not ready to fall in with her plans... *sigh* I seemed to be rubbing people up the wrong way aje this year *sigh* .....
And on the workfront, every time my boss decides to take a long leave, that is the time things decide to heat up.... and I have attend all these meetings in her stead... *another long sigh*. Why o why do all the bigwigs on the third floor of Block A decided at this particular time to hold meetings to thrash things out, and I will be spending so much of my time in the Executive Meeting Room.. something I don't particularly like to do....hem it will be just a three way discussion anyway... tu yang bosan tu, any ideas given by the rest pun, are always brush aside... tu yang buat malas tu..tapi nak buat macam mana kan sebab dah budaya, in accordance to the saying that yang tua lebih arif, lebih banyak makan garam...... hei hei hei tu sebab agaknya ramai yang ada darah tinggi kut!
Ooops, gotta go, my eldest sister is hollering for me....... better run now before I get another person all tied up in knots because of me... hei hei hei
Phew! letih betul.... and is this going to be the trend for this year, I don't know.... even my third sis is bengang with me, all because I said that too much had happened this year and that I'm not ready to fall in with her plans... *sigh* I seemed to be rubbing people up the wrong way aje this year *sigh* .....
And on the workfront, every time my boss decides to take a long leave, that is the time things decide to heat up.... and I have attend all these meetings in her stead... *another long sigh*. Why o why do all the bigwigs on the third floor of Block A decided at this particular time to hold meetings to thrash things out, and I will be spending so much of my time in the Executive Meeting Room.. something I don't particularly like to do....hem it will be just a three way discussion anyway... tu yang bosan tu, any ideas given by the rest pun, are always brush aside... tu yang buat malas tu..tapi nak buat macam mana kan sebab dah budaya, in accordance to the saying that yang tua lebih arif, lebih banyak makan garam...... hei hei hei tu sebab agaknya ramai yang ada darah tinggi kut!
Ooops, gotta go, my eldest sister is hollering for me....... better run now before I get another person all tied up in knots because of me... hei hei hei
Jun 16, 2009
Not a Good Day
Yup today is not a good day, I have been driving like for upteem years and nothing major have happened, tergesel and tercalar situ sini tu biasala...... masa mula-mula dapat licence dulu pun, yang paling teruk pun, I dented the bumper when I accidentally pressed too hard on the accelerator while reversing and bang!!!! I ran smacked into a tree I didn't see was behind the car. Nasib at that time my father didn't scream bloody murder for what had happened. I think he knew I was already shaking in my boots while telling him what had happened to his precious car......ALHAMDULLILAH but today........
Hua, Hua Hua somebody bang into the back of my car today. And to make matter worst, the car I was driving was not even mine. The car belongs to my friend, a brand new MyVi, bought just two months ago...... I feel so bad and guilty to boots...... Nape la aku gatal nak guna kete dia...... but when I called to tell him about what happened, he was nice about, even saying "'s alright, what's important is that nothing bad happened to you, yang penting selamat...." Hua, hua, hua, lagi la buat I feel sooooo guilty. If I was more careful all this would not have happened.......
A lesson learnt, to be more careful on the road.... Thinking of all the hassle I had to go through today, make me wish so much that I could put back the clock and erase what had happened this morning....... Sampai sekarang, while writing this, rasa bersalah tu masih tebal lagi dalam hati ku...
Hua, Hua Hua somebody bang into the back of my car today. And to make matter worst, the car I was driving was not even mine. The car belongs to my friend, a brand new MyVi, bought just two months ago...... I feel so bad and guilty to boots...... Nape la aku gatal nak guna kete dia...... but when I called to tell him about what happened, he was nice about, even saying "'s alright, what's important is that nothing bad happened to you, yang penting selamat...." Hua, hua, hua, lagi la buat I feel sooooo guilty. If I was more careful all this would not have happened.......
A lesson learnt, to be more careful on the road.... Thinking of all the hassle I had to go through today, make me wish so much that I could put back the clock and erase what had happened this morning....... Sampai sekarang, while writing this, rasa bersalah tu masih tebal lagi dalam hati ku...
Jun 8, 2009
Anak Sedara ku Dah besar
My nephew's wedding, 7.6.2009, the boy I used to baby-sit in his formative years is now somebody's husband. Dah besar!!!!!!! but I still see the small rolly polly boy I used to bath, suap makan and rocked to sleep. I am happy but there's a tinge of sadness too..... I wish him all the happiness in the world and a happy married life together. Aku juga doakan moga jodoh mereka berdua akan berkekalan sepanjang hayat mereka dan segala onak and badai dalam menjalani hidup bersama akan diselesaikan dengan aman dan penuh iman.
Part of the rombongan dari pihak lelaki.......
Anak-anak sedara ku lagi and thier uncle, my younger brother.
Gambar-gambar dari my cranky mobile, hope it turns out well bila dah publish nanti. Almaklum la pixelnya bukan la tinggi sesangat....
This Saturday, 13.72009, majlis rumah pihak lelaki pulak, mostly semua dah siap tapi I know my sis mesti rasa penat sesangat getting everything ready for the kenduri. Don't worry sis, I'm here to help you, just give me a shout and I'll come running no matter the time, come rain or shine.
Jun 2, 2009
Bulan yang busy
Baru dapat jengok, tapi sekejap aje, this month memang jadual padat. Tak kira lah on the work front ke or kat rumah. Eeee banyak betul nak buat, tambah my nephew pun nak kawin bulan ni, akad nikah dia pun 5.6.2009 ni, my sis mesti tak menang tangan nak uruskan kan macam-macam for her son's wedding ni. Aku - macam biasa la tukang nyibuk, buat apa yang patut, kah kah kah kah..........
And talking about wedding, memang banyak wedding invitation yang datang, sampai tak terkejar nak hadir, tambah2 if the weddings fall on the same day and majority masa quite close....if jarak between the kenduri tu dekat tak pe la pulak, ini tidak ada tu nun kat utara, selatan and tengah. Tu baru kat belah pantai barat, if masuk kat pantai timur....tak tau la aku....
Anyway terima kasih ku ucapkan pada yang sudi menjemput and mohon maaf pada yang tak sempat ku penuhi jemputan tu. Tapi pada semua ku ucapkan "SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU DAN MOGA BERKEKALAN HINGGA AKHIR HAYAT".....
Pada kawan-kawan ku yang sedang bercuti sempena cuti sekolah ni, Selamat Bercuti ku Ucapkan. Bila balik kerja nanti hopefully dengan semangat yang lebih berkobar-kobar lagi, demi anak bangsa semua!!!!!
And talking about wedding, memang banyak wedding invitation yang datang, sampai tak terkejar nak hadir, tambah2 if the weddings fall on the same day and majority masa quite close....if jarak between the kenduri tu dekat tak pe la pulak, ini tidak ada tu nun kat utara, selatan and tengah. Tu baru kat belah pantai barat, if masuk kat pantai timur....tak tau la aku....
Anyway terima kasih ku ucapkan pada yang sudi menjemput and mohon maaf pada yang tak sempat ku penuhi jemputan tu. Tapi pada semua ku ucapkan "SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU DAN MOGA BERKEKALAN HINGGA AKHIR HAYAT".....
Pada kawan-kawan ku yang sedang bercuti sempena cuti sekolah ni, Selamat Bercuti ku Ucapkan. Bila balik kerja nanti hopefully dengan semangat yang lebih berkobar-kobar lagi, demi anak bangsa semua!!!!!
May 18, 2009
Hari Yang Malas
No interesting entry to write just that I feel so bored today.......
I know I have tonnes of work to do but the MALAS bug bit me hard today so the malasness hari ni is extremely extremely high......... all I want to do is sit at my desk and stare at the computer, hoping against hope that the minutes I need to type will miraculously typed itself and hahahahaha the best part, jeng jeng jeng e-mailed itself to my boss for her approval, correct whatever needs to be corrected, print and file itself safely in the file......... hahahahahahahaha dream on babe, as if it's going to happen...... but no harm in dreaming, right.............
I know I have tonnes of work to do but the MALAS bug bit me hard today so the malasness hari ni is extremely extremely high......... all I want to do is sit at my desk and stare at the computer, hoping against hope that the minutes I need to type will miraculously typed itself and hahahahaha the best part, jeng jeng jeng e-mailed itself to my boss for her approval, correct whatever needs to be corrected, print and file itself safely in the file......... hahahahahahahaha dream on babe, as if it's going to happen...... but no harm in dreaming, right.............
May 14, 2009
To All my TEACHER FRIENDS out there, too many to list here, I wish them "SELAMAT MENYAMBUT HARI GURU 2009" teruskan perjuangan mu demi bangsa dan negara...... 16 MAY 2009 which falls on a Saturday this year. Buat aku terkenan masa zaman aku bersekolah dulu, those were the best years in life, tak payah nak risau pasal apa pun, yang penting gi sekolah, belajar, get good grades in all subjects, and main. Oooo what bliss it was then compared to now, sekarang semua kena fikir and buat sehabis baik in all aspect. Tak buat dengan baik jawabnya macam mana nak put food on the table and pay the hu hu hu..... Pada guru-guru ku yang telah mengajar ku sehingga aku menjadi apa yang dapat dilihat sekarang, jasa mu tetap ku kenang sampai bila-bila. Thank you for the whackings that you gave me, because if you have not cared enough about me, I would not be who I am now....Mr Bachan Singh, Mr & Mrs Lim, Cikgu Norbi, Mr Yong, Mr Wong, Mr Tan, En Mokhtar, Tg Azuan, Miss Sally, Cikgu Fatimah (psst she's late my cousin: who taught me when I was in Standard 4!) dll. THANK YOU SO MUCH.... MUCHAS GRACIAS......ARIGATO....SYUKHRAN......
And a belated HAPPY MOTHER's DAY to all mothers in the world.....especially to Myza, Cikgu Sonata, Reenaz, Freggie yang jauh nun di sana, Muhaida, Mai, Umai, Nurul, Juraiza, Atoi, Yatt, Leezs, Shanaz, Lily and ramai lagi yang tak dapat disenaraikan kat sini. Maaf ye.......
Ingat nak buat entry about my sojourn to Bandung with the family, end of April, tapi di sebabkan kesibukan kerja tak sempat lagi nak buat benda tu.....InsyaAllah one of this days when I have the time...... erm ntah bila la tu, tengok2 nanti tinggal niat aje la tu..... hahahahahahahaha
And a belated HAPPY MOTHER's DAY to all mothers in the world.....especially to Myza, Cikgu Sonata, Reenaz, Freggie yang jauh nun di sana, Muhaida, Mai, Umai, Nurul, Juraiza, Atoi, Yatt, Leezs, Shanaz, Lily and ramai lagi yang tak dapat disenaraikan kat sini. Maaf ye.......
Ingat nak buat entry about my sojourn to Bandung with the family, end of April, tapi di sebabkan kesibukan kerja tak sempat lagi nak buat benda tu.....InsyaAllah one of this days when I have the time...... erm ntah bila la tu, tengok2 nanti tinggal niat aje la tu..... hahahahahahahaha
May 8, 2009
Lama tak Post
Lama jugak tak jengok kat sini, mintak maaf banyak - banyak la kat Myza, belum sempat laeee nak layan TAG tu, asyik ade aje yang kena dulukan.
Yang paling tak best now, ntah ape silapnya dengan modem CELCOM tu sekarang, susah betul nak connect dgn CELCOM 3G, tiap kali cuba mesti dapat signal NO SERVICE......geram betul dibuatnya. Sekarang ape-ape keje yang nak buat kat umah, kena hold sampai masuk office, leceh betul di buatnya!!!!!!!!!!! GERAM #*%&#
Demam pun kejap kebah kejap tak, tak kan kena selsema ...... kut, jauhkan lah tak nak la den....
Anyway hopefully cepat la baik, tak best betul, keje pula menimbun nak buat, balik umah aje terus tumbang walhal ade keje yang dibawak balik untuk dibereskan..... hu hu hu hu
Yang paling tak best now, ntah ape silapnya dengan modem CELCOM tu sekarang, susah betul nak connect dgn CELCOM 3G, tiap kali cuba mesti dapat signal NO SERVICE......geram betul dibuatnya. Sekarang ape-ape keje yang nak buat kat umah, kena hold sampai masuk office, leceh betul di buatnya!!!!!!!!!!! GERAM #*%&#
Demam pun kejap kebah kejap tak, tak kan kena selsema ...... kut, jauhkan lah tak nak la den....
Anyway hopefully cepat la baik, tak best betul, keje pula menimbun nak buat, balik umah aje terus tumbang walhal ade keje yang dibawak balik untuk dibereskan..... hu hu hu hu
Apr 21, 2009
Kerja, Kerja, Kerja..... Farewell, Farewell, Farewell....
Hu hu hu hu most of the old guards at this office are going out either being transferred or on voluntary basis.... I feel quite sad to see them go, ye lah dah lama working with them.... dah understand their rentak in going about their business..... will miss them so much, not to see them at the table when we have our monthly management meetings and the various taskforces set-up by the Senior Director when there's a need for the setting up of the taskforce.... I will especially miss the dry wits of one of the Deputy Directors in combatting any digs at the issues being discussed at the meetings.
Another Deputy Director that I will miss is ... for his colourful batik shirts every Thursday and his blur, blur expression when something just doesn't go the way he plans or thinks.....the standard answer would be..."eh ye ke, I tak tau pun, ingat okay boleh buat..." hahahahahaha. That's one of his many idiosyncrasies that will remain, arched in my memories, particularly his huge smile (grinning from ear to ear, is more like it) and sunny disposition...... yup I'll miss that..... the jokes and laughter when the goings get tough, to ensure that everything goes according to plans for all major events held at the office....
But whatever it is, that is part of the cycle of life, people will eventually move on, and I wish them all the best in their new workplace and hopefully the friendship that have been forged in this office will last forever. Amen...
Me... I too would like to move on from this place..... to try new things and to learn new things... I don't want to feel jaded with my life...... frankly, I don't want to retire here! If possible I want accumulate as much knowledge as I can.... not just from books (theorectically) but also those gained from experiences, and personally I think, to do that I need venture into the unknown.... Yes, maybe even going to live in another country! .....but I'm still too chicken to take that step.... InsyaAllah one day, who knows, I may get my wish......hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Another Deputy Director that I will miss is ... for his colourful batik shirts every Thursday and his blur, blur expression when something just doesn't go the way he plans or thinks.....the standard answer would be..."eh ye ke, I tak tau pun, ingat okay boleh buat..." hahahahahaha. That's one of his many idiosyncrasies that will remain, arched in my memories, particularly his huge smile (grinning from ear to ear, is more like it) and sunny disposition...... yup I'll miss that..... the jokes and laughter when the goings get tough, to ensure that everything goes according to plans for all major events held at the office....
But whatever it is, that is part of the cycle of life, people will eventually move on, and I wish them all the best in their new workplace and hopefully the friendship that have been forged in this office will last forever. Amen...
Me... I too would like to move on from this place..... to try new things and to learn new things... I don't want to feel jaded with my life...... frankly, I don't want to retire here! If possible I want accumulate as much knowledge as I can.... not just from books (theorectically) but also those gained from experiences, and personally I think, to do that I need venture into the unknown.... Yes, maybe even going to live in another country! .....but I'm still too chicken to take that step.... InsyaAllah one day, who knows, I may get my wish......hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
To Sonata, alhamdullilah demam dah kebah, but not after makan ubat bergantang - gantang and visiting the doctor twice, siap kena buat x - ray lagi, hu hu hu hu, sebab the doctor is afraid that something might be wrong with my lungs. Tapi alhamdullilah dah ok.... nothing serious... demam dah baik tapi on the workfront dah mula busy..... today pun busy, preparing for tomorrow's event - public lecture by Rev. Jesse Louis Jackson Sr.
Apr 14, 2009
Demam lagi......
Demam or demam bila la hang nak pi balik rumah hang ni? Penat dah la weh makan ubat bergantang-gantang tapi masih tak jugak nak baik-baik... tolong la weh.....class pun dah masuk gear ni, if masih duk macam ni, macam mana nak jalankan kerja ni...... hu hu hu hu hu hu
Jangan semput dah la lepas ni, aku tak nak makan pil ventolin lagi, nanti heartbeat pun laju semacam aje...and rasa berdebar-debar sepanjang masa.....tak suka tak suka tak suka.....
Time time macam ni la terasa nak manja-manja tapi apa kan daya tak ada yang sudi nak manjakan..... kah kah kah kah kah kah hahahahahahahaha.......
Hujung minggu ni semua nak balik kampung, makcik kat kampung nak buat tahlil untuk arwah hu hu hu badan duk macam ni rasa tak larat la pulak nak join dia orang hu hu hu...... ekonomi pun tak mengizinkan untuk ambik flight balik kampung sebab dah banyak perabih duit bulan ni... hu hu hu hu......
Jangan semput dah la lepas ni, aku tak nak makan pil ventolin lagi, nanti heartbeat pun laju semacam aje...and rasa berdebar-debar sepanjang masa.....tak suka tak suka tak suka.....
Time time macam ni la terasa nak manja-manja tapi apa kan daya tak ada yang sudi nak manjakan..... kah kah kah kah kah kah hahahahahahahaha.......
Hujung minggu ni semua nak balik kampung, makcik kat kampung nak buat tahlil untuk arwah hu hu hu badan duk macam ni rasa tak larat la pulak nak join dia orang hu hu hu...... ekonomi pun tak mengizinkan untuk ambik flight balik kampung sebab dah banyak perabih duit bulan ni... hu hu hu hu......
They are In Town
Hai the start of the busy time for me, the new batch of PTD officers are in town for the next four months, meaning I have to clock in way before my clock in time of 8.30 a.m. Hu hu hu hu.... 'cos their class starts at 8.00 a.m.
Tapi kan kan I tak faham la dengan setengah - tengah orang kat sini, tuan empunya badan tak rasa pun that it's going to be a problem coming in earlier then usual to the office. Pelik betul la depa ni even though my official clock-in time is 8.30, if my responsibility is to be in at the office before 8.00, then I will try my darnest to be in before masa tu la... apa susah.... heh pelik betul la aku dengan orang-orang kat sini.... sejak aku masuk kat sini aku tak pernah sampai lewat selepas dari pukul 8.00 pun, unless under dire circumstances.... sabar aje lah dengan mulut-mulut yang suka pot-pet pot-pet tu. If aku kena drag on the carpet for my tardiness by the Senior Director or the Execuitve Chairman or my immediate boss, the Director of Language, aku yang kena face the music not them.... so ape la dia orang nak kepoh sangat pasal benda ni.....tak tau la aku....sabar and terus sabar.....
To Reenaz, hari tu feeling down sangat and dah la hujan pulak tu, lagi la buat mood down tapi minggu ni dah okay...hei hei hei hei.... balik la Malaysia if ada peluang, nanti boleh kita sama-sama main hujan... nak tak? hei hei hei.......
Tapi kan kan I tak faham la dengan setengah - tengah orang kat sini, tuan empunya badan tak rasa pun that it's going to be a problem coming in earlier then usual to the office. Pelik betul la depa ni even though my official clock-in time is 8.30, if my responsibility is to be in at the office before 8.00, then I will try my darnest to be in before masa tu la... apa susah.... heh pelik betul la aku dengan orang-orang kat sini.... sejak aku masuk kat sini aku tak pernah sampai lewat selepas dari pukul 8.00 pun, unless under dire circumstances.... sabar aje lah dengan mulut-mulut yang suka pot-pet pot-pet tu. If aku kena drag on the carpet for my tardiness by the Senior Director or the Execuitve Chairman or my immediate boss, the Director of Language, aku yang kena face the music not them.... so ape la dia orang nak kepoh sangat pasal benda ni.....tak tau la aku....sabar and terus sabar.....
To Reenaz, hari tu feeling down sangat and dah la hujan pulak tu, lagi la buat mood down tapi minggu ni dah okay...hei hei hei hei.... balik la Malaysia if ada peluang, nanti boleh kita sama-sama main hujan... nak tak? hei hei hei.......
Apr 10, 2009
Hala Tuju
Mana jati diri ku and manakah hala tuju hidup ku ini? Entah aku tak tahu apa ayng aku sendiri kehendaki sekarang.....
Aku rasa begitu terasing sekali! Ku renung diri ku sendiri and ku berfikir sendirian kenapa aku jadi begini. Kenapa aku biarkan diri ini jadi macam ni....
Hujan lebat yang mencurah turun diluar seolah - olah membayangi fikiran ku yang berserabut
Aku rasa begitu terasing sekali! Ku renung diri ku sendiri and ku berfikir sendirian kenapa aku jadi begini. Kenapa aku biarkan diri ini jadi macam ni....
Hujan lebat yang mencurah turun diluar seolah - olah membayangi fikiran ku yang berserabut
Apr 6, 2009
Friends...... What are they? and what can be constituted as friendship that could last through the test of times..... This past few weeks I have been thinking a lot about what the term means and in the process did some very deep soul searching..... It makes me wonder whether I would make a good friend to someone or will I fly through life shacking up with people I met at that particular moment in time and moving on without making any deep enduring friendship from that ties, or is it just me who doesn't know how to keep the friendship going through the distance and time that separate us. I still have no answer to that....
But I wish to thank those people who have fly into my life all these years, some of which I do still keep in contact with, even though not as frequently as I like, and those whom I have lost touch with but still have fond memories of..... I wish all of them, all the best in their lives and are happy and contented doing what they are supposed to be doing with their lives now. Not the least, a happy and enduring lives with their loved ones. Good Health to everyone.....
Lastly, I pray to Allah the All Mighty to make me content with the lot that He has bestowed on me and not to yearn for things that are not meant for me. Amin.....
Mar 26, 2009
My Dear Sister Kak Ngah
Surprise! Surprise! I was surfing the net one day out boredom and lo and behold, I came across a blog written by my third sister. Terkejut jugak la aku tengok and baca blog dia.....
Wow, ramai betul followers dia, from all over the world, tapi blog dia more towards tatting, if any of you are interested in tatting boleh la jengok her blog ( Frankly my Kak Ngah ni is the most creative among us siblings. She likes needlecrafts and is very good at sewing. She even attended a sewing class done during the lunchbreak at her office, dulu while she was working with BSN. Now she is no longer working, she optted for early retirement from the workforce and is now a full time housewife. She now has more time to concentrate on her needlecrafts and pursue other hobbies that she had no time for when she was working. She is also a good cook. Apa yang dia masak memang yummy, I especially like her apple pie, makan with vanilla ice-cream, sedap..... Wish I am half as good as she is when it comes to needlecrafts and cooking.
Hahahahaha, dream on la, the only thing I'm good at is doing the cross-stitch, other then watching tv, lazing on the bed with a good book. As to masak memasak, erm banyak yang tak menjadi dari menjadi....... hahahahahaha, tried baking, tapi cake yang aku bake semuanya bantat, masak lauk-pauk pulak either terlebih garam or terkurang garam, never could get the taste right. Kiranya aku ni pandai makan aje la ni hu hu hu hu, agaknya tu la pasai nobody trust me with the task of cooking the raya spread. My usual job for raya would be get the house ready, marshal the children around and jeng jeng jeng the top most job, cleaning up the mess after dia orang dah habis masak. Tapi tak pe lah each to his own, if semua nak jadi tukang masak sape pulak ye nak ngemas. Right!
Mar 18, 2009
Demam La Pulak!!!
Hai, hari ni running nose la pulak, tak larat nak kejar dah hidung aku ni...... Adui nak menafas pun susah. Lagi la nak buat kerja, lagi la mamainya dibuatnya. Yang tak bestnya, air-con kat office hari ni terlebih lebih la sejuknya....... Ke aku aje yang perasan macam tu? Aku tengok orang lain relax aje....Tak complain pun pasai air-con ni...
Ke ni disebabkan penangan hidung ku yang tak berenti-renti nak belari... Oai penat la, my dearest nose please, pretty please can you stop running, I'm so tired of sneezing and going to stand at the stairway (nak the heat) sejuk sangat......
Tolong la stop running, penat dah weh nak kejar kau wahai hidung ku........nak edit the paper yang perlu aku siapkan by tomorrow pun tak de mood nak buat. So, please, I'm begging you on bended knees to stop running and sneezing.......
Ke ni disebabkan penangan hidung ku yang tak berenti-renti nak belari... Oai penat la, my dearest nose please, pretty please can you stop running, I'm so tired of sneezing and going to stand at the stairway (nak the heat) sejuk sangat......
Tolong la stop running, penat dah weh nak kejar kau wahai hidung ku........nak edit the paper yang perlu aku siapkan by tomorrow pun tak de mood nak buat. So, please, I'm begging you on bended knees to stop running and sneezing.......
Mar 17, 2009
My Niece's Convocation July 2008
A few of the photos taken with Mak, it was a joyous and happy occasion at the moment in time. I will cherish the memories.......always......
Mak and Dad with my second sister's family at Nando's Australia
Gold Coast, Australia
Slow Day
Fuh! *Sigh* I'm so tired and sleepy today! I feel so the malas to do any of my work. This attitude could get me into deep shit if I don't shake myself out of this feeling of lethargy. Half of the day was spend running around trying to unblock my mobile. CELCOM barred my mobile just because I was late by one day in paying the bill. CELCOM, CELCOM, why r you so dilligent this time around? Why o Why? Had to run to PJ to settle the bill and by the time I finished and get back to the office I was so hungry (penangan tak sarapan sebelum pegi settlekan the bill) hu hu hu hu....
Went to the main office and persuade everyone there, including my boss kih kih kih to have a late breakfast. Had my fill, then realised that it's was time to go with Dato' to Pusat Kraftangan in Jalan Conlay. Rushed to get my things and went to the lobby to wait for Dato', lucky I was able to make it in the nick of time.....if tak feel the wrath le nampaknya...huhuhuhu.
Hem... looking and studying my blog, it looks so unattractive compared to some I've seen, my blog is so full of writing, orang masuk singgah kat sini pun mesti boring..... Ye lah no photos or nice graphics to attract the eyes and senses..... Dull kan! When I've the time nanti I will try to pretty up the blog but for now, sorry to those who visited the blog to see nothing but miles and miles of writing ^:)^
Okay time to get back to work.......before somebody comes knocking on the door and sees me doing nothing hahahahahaha........
Mar 16, 2009
A Week Later
It has been a week since Mak passed away, I could still see her face clearly now and felt the coldness of her cheeks when I kissed her for the last time. Dad is now slowly getting use to the idea that she is now gone. On the day Mak was buried, Dad spend the whole day in a daze and he cried himself to sleep that night. He used to have a good appetite but now, this past week, he just ate in small amounts and not the portion that he usually take. Another change I noticed, is that Dad now refused to eat alone, he wants company around the table, someone to eat with him. Apa-apa pun sebagai anak kita semua cuba penuhi pemintaan dia yang ini. Now my sister makes sure that there is someone who will sit and eat with Dad at the table.
To Reenaz my new cyber friend, salam to you and when I click on the link to go to your blog, it directed me to some other place. I wonder whether the address is typed wrongly or there's another technical problem to it. Anyway, if you are reading this entry, I would love it if you could supply me with the correct address. The other day I just went into your blog to say hello and salam pengenalan, tak sempat pun nak copy the recipes on the page, especially the pudding, it looks so yummy delicious. Ingat this weekend if I'm in a rajin mood I try buat the pudding. (I do love to spoil the BM language, selalu sangat guna bahasa rojak). I think if any purist of the BM language is to read this blog, he or she would be fuming mad at me for spoiling the language. Anyway Reenaz, glad to know you and if I can get the address right, could I link you?
First day at work after the three days compassionate leave, and wow so many things to take care of, so tired now!!!!! Have to keep my cool on certain things........InsyaAllah bolehnya....
Mar 12, 2009
DEATH IN THE FAMILY! On 10th March 2009, my Mum drew her last breath right after azan untuk solat isyak habis berkumandang. At her bedside pada masa tu, was my youngest brother, his wife, my eldest niece and her husband and two of my nephews, they were all reading the yasin at that time while Amir, Ninie's husband and my youngest brother took turns to ajar my Mum mengucap. She breath her last right after my brother Fir finished mengajar dia mengucap and Jie, Fir's wife told me that she could see my Mum's mouth moving in unison with Fir as dia mengucap.
Yesterday was the funeral, she is laid to rest at Tanah Perkuburan Sg Tangkas, near UKM. I didn't go to the cemetary yesterday, I just could not make myself go there, I looked at Mum for the last time before she was taken to the cemetary, she look so peaceful, muka Mak begitu bersih dan tenang. Alhamdullilah pemergiannya begitu mudah and aku redha dengan pemergiannya. Moga Allah akan mencucuri rahmat dan menempatkan Mak di antara orang-orang yang soleh....Amin.
Now our worries are with Dad, how he is going to cope with Mak not being here, by his side like before. The whole of yesterday, he spend the day termenung and before he went to sleep semalam, he cried and kept saying, next it will be him going to be laid to rest near Mum. Kami semua takut that he will go into depression and will go away in his sleep......Takut yang Dad akan will himself to death.
Mar 10, 2009
Dah lama jugak ye since my last posting. A lot of things have happened since then. Banyak sesangat, sampai my emotion has being going topsy turvy, churning away like the windmill. But the most important, is that my mum has now taken a turn for the worse. Late last week, she fell from the bed while trying to get up from the bed by herself to go to the bathroom. I don't know how it happened but according to my third sis who was looking after her at that time, she heard a loud bang from the bedroom, and when she ran into the room, she saw mum lying on the floor, at that time mum was still able to speak, but.... now, she's bedridden and could hardly speak. her breathing is also erractic.
Today mum is warded and the doctor said that her kidneys have failed her, and due to this her blood is infected, and the doctor is putting her on a 24 hours observation. The doctor said even though the infection could be cleared up but he doesn't give us a 100% guarantee that all will be well and she will be out of the woods. The doctor also told us to prepare ourselves and not to leave her alone. Banyak bacakan surah yasin untuk mak, itu pesanan doktor untuk kami adik beradik.
Just now, during lunch hour I rushed to UMSC to see mum, my third sister and her husband plus my two younger bothers were also there. I feel so helpless not knowing what to do to ease my mum's pain. Am I a cruel daughter to doa pada Allah to take her to his side so that mum would not be in so much pain, since the doctor also cannot guarantee mum's full recovery. Ya Allah teruk ke aku ini sebagai seorang anak, hingga sanggup berfikir sebegitu. I feel so bad....
Right now as I'm writing this, my eldest and second sister, as is my cousin and his wife are all on their way to UMSC. My emotion is still going on a merry-go-round and to make it worse I just had a tiff with my younger brother just before leaving the hospital.....and that makes me feel so down! A truly trying time for the whole family and that I have no doubt of, as my brother said the other day, Allah sedang menguji kami semua dari segi kesabaran dan ketawakalan (I not too sure whether there is such a word in BM, tapi what the hack, guna aje lah, I'm murdering the language and I know it would not sit too well with purist of the BM language) dalam menghadapi semua ini. Kekuatan ikatan kekeluargaan kami jugak sedang diuji sekarang. Hopefully it will stand the test!
Today mum is warded and the doctor said that her kidneys have failed her, and due to this her blood is infected, and the doctor is putting her on a 24 hours observation. The doctor said even though the infection could be cleared up but he doesn't give us a 100% guarantee that all will be well and she will be out of the woods. The doctor also told us to prepare ourselves and not to leave her alone. Banyak bacakan surah yasin untuk mak, itu pesanan doktor untuk kami adik beradik.
Just now, during lunch hour I rushed to UMSC to see mum, my third sister and her husband plus my two younger bothers were also there. I feel so helpless not knowing what to do to ease my mum's pain. Am I a cruel daughter to doa pada Allah to take her to his side so that mum would not be in so much pain, since the doctor also cannot guarantee mum's full recovery. Ya Allah teruk ke aku ini sebagai seorang anak, hingga sanggup berfikir sebegitu. I feel so bad....
Right now as I'm writing this, my eldest and second sister, as is my cousin and his wife are all on their way to UMSC. My emotion is still going on a merry-go-round and to make it worse I just had a tiff with my younger brother just before leaving the hospital.....and that makes me feel so down! A truly trying time for the whole family and that I have no doubt of, as my brother said the other day, Allah sedang menguji kami semua dari segi kesabaran dan ketawakalan (I not too sure whether there is such a word in BM, tapi what the hack, guna aje lah, I'm murdering the language and I know it would not sit too well with purist of the BM language) dalam menghadapi semua ini. Kekuatan ikatan kekeluargaan kami jugak sedang diuji sekarang. Hopefully it will stand the test!
Feb 18, 2009
A big, big smile on my face now.... Why? Boss is now back in town, hahahahaha lalalalalala, I'm practically doing an invisible dance now, hohoho, if people could see it, then they would know how happy I'm that she's now back in town! I'm sooooooooo happpy, tak terkata betapa happynya diri ini. Lalalalalala tak payah lagi attend meetings on her behalf, ada la masa to buat keje lain yang perlu dibuat.
I don't have to cover for her now, she's now here to make sure that everyone has to toe the line, work wise I mean. Cos I know for a fact that when she was away, I tried to keep things in balance and that, I could bet, do not sit too well with some people..... They do not say it directly to my face, but...... I do get the vibes sent out by them. Well, that's life, you can't please everyone.
Myza, sawang - sawang kat sini, baru hari ni dapat bersihkan, before this tak sempat, kena siapkan budget la, KPI la and attend meetings memanjang, tapi now that boss is back boleh la kut kerap sikit singgah kat sini hei hei hei...... Now pun, boss is attending the budget meeting for 2010/2011 yang I planned for practically single-handedly, but I'm not whinning about doing it, cos when I showed it to my boss, the first day she came in, she was happy with it and did only minor adjustments to the budget before asking me to submit it to the Finance Unit. Anyway I see it as another learning curve in my life, maybe beneficial to me in the long run, who knows!
I don't have to cover for her now, she's now here to make sure that everyone has to toe the line, work wise I mean. Cos I know for a fact that when she was away, I tried to keep things in balance and that, I could bet, do not sit too well with some people..... They do not say it directly to my face, but...... I do get the vibes sent out by them. Well, that's life, you can't please everyone.
Myza, sawang - sawang kat sini, baru hari ni dapat bersihkan, before this tak sempat, kena siapkan budget la, KPI la and attend meetings memanjang, tapi now that boss is back boleh la kut kerap sikit singgah kat sini hei hei hei...... Now pun, boss is attending the budget meeting for 2010/2011 yang I planned for practically single-handedly, but I'm not whinning about doing it, cos when I showed it to my boss, the first day she came in, she was happy with it and did only minor adjustments to the budget before asking me to submit it to the Finance Unit. Anyway I see it as another learning curve in my life, maybe beneficial to me in the long run, who knows!
Feb 5, 2009
Huh bosan, a tiring day for me and a long week to boot, non-stop meeting the past few days. Tomorrow I have another meeting to attend, taskforce for the Bridges Series, scheduled for April 22, about a month to work on the planning of the event. Knowing Dato', and I can bet that the taskforce will be put through the grinder, just to make sure that everything runs smoothly on the day of the event. Well! that's another music I'll have to face when the time comes.
As for now I am kept pretty busy with the drafting of the division's Budget for 2010 and 2011, plus the KPI for my division. I am done with the 2008 and 2009 KPIs but Dato wants to fine tune it lagi, so back to the drawing board la nampaknya. And I hate using Excel, the table is never friendly to me. Geram betul, never want to follow my command. I wonder how others managed to do it and come-up with nice print out of the reports on Excel, while mine will either be lop-sided or too small and the print will be finer still, even though I've tried all the suggestion given to me on how to make the print-out bigger and more pleasing to the eyes.
Huh! Penat giler....tapi penat-penat pun kena jugak buat nanti singa jumps on my back, tak ke haru nanti.... tak pasal luka hu hu hu hu
As for now I am kept pretty busy with the drafting of the division's Budget for 2010 and 2011, plus the KPI for my division. I am done with the 2008 and 2009 KPIs but Dato wants to fine tune it lagi, so back to the drawing board la nampaknya. And I hate using Excel, the table is never friendly to me. Geram betul, never want to follow my command. I wonder how others managed to do it and come-up with nice print out of the reports on Excel, while mine will either be lop-sided or too small and the print will be finer still, even though I've tried all the suggestion given to me on how to make the print-out bigger and more pleasing to the eyes.
Huh! Penat giler....tapi penat-penat pun kena jugak buat nanti singa jumps on my back, tak ke haru nanti.... tak pasal luka hu hu hu hu
Jan 28, 2009
Internet o Internet
Sedih sedih hari ni datang kerja dengan berkobar-kobarnya nak siap kan apa yang patut. Dalam hati siap boleh cakap tu, wah hari ni sampai awal boleh lah pulun apa yang patut sebelum masuk meeting and ngadap Dato', tapi jeng jeng jeng..... on aje computer, internet down, air-con pun not functioning. Hu hu hu hu sedih sedih, kurang sikit semangat.
La ni pun access internet in my block BELUM pulih sepenuhnya, taiko-taiko ICT still hard at work troubleshooting the problem. Ntah bila la nak pulih ni.... Ni pun duk merempat dekat Block C tumpang guna computer kawan nak check e-mail. Sambil-sambil tu jengok blog kejap, hei, hei, hei hei......siap boleh buat posting tu......
Ok gotta go now, my friend is breathing down my neck! Tuan empunya PC dah balik kat bilik dia, urgently wanting to use the PC, cos her boss is breathing down her neck about a report that she's supposed to submit before lunch. Okay, okay, nak berenti dah ni, last sentence, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE LOAN OF THE COMPUTER!!!!
La ni pun access internet in my block BELUM pulih sepenuhnya, taiko-taiko ICT still hard at work troubleshooting the problem. Ntah bila la nak pulih ni.... Ni pun duk merempat dekat Block C tumpang guna computer kawan nak check e-mail. Sambil-sambil tu jengok blog kejap, hei, hei, hei hei......siap boleh buat posting tu......
Ok gotta go now, my friend is breathing down my neck! Tuan empunya PC dah balik kat bilik dia, urgently wanting to use the PC, cos her boss is breathing down her neck about a report that she's supposed to submit before lunch. Okay, okay, nak berenti dah ni, last sentence, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE LOAN OF THE COMPUTER!!!!
Jan 26, 2009
Gong Xi Fa Cai
To those celebrating Chinese New Year, be it those in the cyberworld or those that I know personally in and around me, I wish them SELAMAT TAHUN BARU CINA. Some says that I was born in the year of the iron rat and some says in the year of the ox. I'm no expert on this subject but just for the fun of it I read up on this in some of the books written on the subject of the Chinese horoscopes, just for the fun of it mind you. I don't really believe in it, but just for my own personal amusement. I don't think there's harm in it.....unless others find some bone of contention about my view on this, then I beg to differ and hope no hard feelings will come out of this.
Well, on the subject of whether I'm a rat or an ox, I'm still vague about it. But just to please myself and to suit what had been written in the books, I sometimes tend to go with my whims and fancies at the moment of my reading, especially if what is written in the book is favourable to me. Talk about perasan, this is a major dose of perasan.....big time!!!!
Well, on the subject of whether I'm a rat or an ox, I'm still vague about it. But just to please myself and to suit what had been written in the books, I sometimes tend to go with my whims and fancies at the moment of my reading, especially if what is written in the book is favourable to me. Talk about perasan, this is a major dose of perasan.....big time!!!!
Jan 24, 2009
Hari Yang Tak Menentu
Nape hari ni jadi begini.... Nape aku begini. Terok sangat ke aku ni.... Allah hanya pada mu tempat ku mengadu bagi la aku panduan dan hidayat mu untuk menghadapi semua ini.
Aku mohon pada Mu Ya Allah, bagi la aku kekuatan untuk menghadapai apa jua pun.
Aku mohon pada Mu Ya Allah, bagi la aku kekuatan untuk menghadapai apa jua pun.
Jan 21, 2009
Mencuri masa untuk menaip di sini. These past few days things are a bit quiet on the homefront and at work. A nice break after all the craziness of November, December and early part of January. But over the weekend, Sunday to be precise, I had a wonderful time catching up with my old varsity mate in Putrajaya. It has been a while since we both parted ways to follow our own individual path, and we have not seen each other for about 13 years! Give or take one or two years. If I can rightly recollect, the last that we met was in Kelantan, when she was serving there with Suraya, another of our varsity mate. Back then she had those big rimmed spectacles on, and to think of it so did I. Well that was the height of fashion then! I used to get teased a lot about those big rimmed spectacles I used to wear, in the name of fashion mind you, by my nieces and nephews. The comments when they saw my photos would be, "amboi besaqnya spec!" followed by "nape dalam semua gambar, cik ni asyik tersengih aje, nampak gigi tu...." with everyone breaking into laughter. Tak pe lah, tu kira ok lagi tu, tapi bila dia orang mula cakap nape dulu cik kurus tapi sekarang dah debab, perit jugak rasanya, geram pun ada, tapi kenyataan, tak boleh la nak cakap apa...... except laugh with them..... hu hu hu hu
And Myza jangan marah, story kat sini pasal spec besar tu, and if I'm not mistaken, I also used to tease you a lot by mis-pronouncing your name. Mintak maaf banyak-banyak ye. Saja suka nyakat Myza. Now look at you, a wife, mother and I bet a damn (sorry for the language) good teacher to boot. But one thing is definite, weight wise you have not change much, masih kecik molek macam dulu..... apa rahsia tu, share la sikit..... tengah duk cuba kurang kan berat ni, tapi nampak gaya duk macam tu jugak, debab.... pagi tadi pun boss yang baru balik lepas cuti sebulan pun boleh cakap."eh, nape you nampak gemok sekarang?" Caught me of guard there, sampai no sassy remarks to utter, terdiam beb! Tapi kena ngaku la memang sekarang badan dah makin montel... Apa tak nya asyik makan aje tak kira masa. Makan, tidur, excercise kureng, so badan tu macam kena pump - pump la. Boleh dikatakan my second job sekarang ni is menternak lemak... hu hu hu hu. Bagi la petua Myza, dapat badan macam Myza kan bagus, kecik comel gitu.
Tambah in my line of job sekarang ni, bab - bab makan ni is part and parcel of it. Apa taknya bila ada courses to run, makan sampai 5 kali sehari tu tak mustahil. Tu tak termasuk lagi dengan event-event lain yang kena attend, penutup dia mesti ada makan-makan. And my resolution to stay away from the food will usually crumble and fly right out of the dining hall, selalunya it started with tak pe lah just nak rasa aje, after the first bite, a little devil will whisper in my ear, tak pe makan aje, esok boleh diet balik. Hah macam la I can resist the food the next day! Tapi selalunya mesti makan punya, guarantee!!!!! What with nampak kekawan makan sedap aje. Ha ha ha ha ha that is me, nak kurus tapi no will power to exercise and control makan. Sampai bila - bila pun nampaknya chek ni akan terus menternak lemak la gayanya...... hu hu hu
Jan 14, 2009
The past two three days ni asyik rasa letih aje.... agaknya kesan byk sangat bergerak to make a success of the event. Buat kerja pun everything in slow - mo aje hei hei hei.....penagan buat keje on overdrive.... hu hu hu hu hu
Tapi I appreciate the experience, because since joining the institute I have gained a lot more knowledge in certain areas and things that I'm sure I would not have got it from my old job... the good and the bad of it. But on reflection it does make my life so much richer. Syukur ke hadrat Allah......
Tapi I appreciate the experience, because since joining the institute I have gained a lot more knowledge in certain areas and things that I'm sure I would not have got it from my old job... the good and the bad of it. But on reflection it does make my life so much richer. Syukur ke hadrat Allah......
Jan 12, 2009
Sigh of Relief
Lega n lega tak tau macam mana nak
cakap how lega I feel that the first big event lined-up for 2009 berjalan dengan lancarnya. Even though ada a slight glitch in the proceeding but it does not really mar the event much. Everyone was happy with it right from the PM, Foreign Minister, Secretary - General of MFA, his Deputies and my own Executive Chairman. Today masa post - mortem for the event, the Chairperson for the working committee, Head of Academic, Training & Research also said that we deserve the pat on the back for successfully pulling it off. Syukur ke hadrat Allah kerana memakburkan pemintaan supaya semua yang dirancang berjalan dengan lancar. Kelegaan itu lebih terasa bila everything that was assigned to me to do, to ensure the success of the event, I managed to do it to the satisfaction of everyone high up in the hierachy. Lega sesangat, if tak mesti dah kena tembak tadi masa post - mortem.......


Jan 6, 2009
"D" Day and Down Memory Lane
One more day to 'D' day - hu hu hu hu hu...... and two days already into the school year for 2009. I still can remember how busy it was on the first day of school, tambah lagi if you are the class teacher, mana nak collect school fees and duit buku and bermacam - macam duit lagi yang perlu di collect, masa ni la haru jadinya if all parents datang dengan duit besar, payahnya nak bagi balik duit baki tu.... at the end of the day panic semacam when the money in hand tak tally with the amount yang sepatutnya di collect, and that also after dikira berulang -ulang kali mind you.... and sometimes kena dig deep into my own pocket just to balance it out.... those were the days. Now I don't have to collect fees but still busy at the start of the new year, tapi with a different kind of busy...
'D' Day tinggal one more day and I feel like a top spinning at full speed trying to finish everything in time for the unveiling of the campus. Now makan pun tak sempat, asyik duk tekejar sana and tekejar sini....After all this madness is over I want to apply for cuti.... nak rest and Dato', please, please, please approve my application for cuti.... pretty please ye.......
Jan 1, 2009
Hello to all the inhabitants of the cyberworld.....
Nothing much to write just to wish SALAM MAAL HIJRAH AND HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009.... Hopefully the new year will bring with it more joy and happiness. Hopefully whatever we set out to do with our life in the new year akan diberkati oleh Allah.....
Still busy and because of this, I feel guilty as hell for not being able to pay more attention to my aging parents. Feel like such an ungrateful anak and selfish to boot....that's how I feel and I think my family also agrees with my view about myself...
2009, come mid - January, I'll be a year older compared to last year but perangai duk macam tu lagi, hai bila la nak berubah hu hu hu
I wish I could go back in time and undo all the mistakes yang telah dibuat.....macam la boleh...
2009/1430 - I welcome you and I hope that there won't be any major upheavel waiting for me..........
Nothing much to write just to wish SALAM MAAL HIJRAH AND HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009.... Hopefully the new year will bring with it more joy and happiness. Hopefully whatever we set out to do with our life in the new year akan diberkati oleh Allah.....
Still busy and because of this, I feel guilty as hell for not being able to pay more attention to my aging parents. Feel like such an ungrateful anak and selfish to boot....that's how I feel and I think my family also agrees with my view about myself...
2009, come mid - January, I'll be a year older compared to last year but perangai duk macam tu lagi, hai bila la nak berubah hu hu hu
I wish I could go back in time and undo all the mistakes yang telah dibuat.....macam la boleh...
2009/1430 - I welcome you and I hope that there won't be any major upheavel waiting for me..........
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