Mar 26, 2009

My Dear Sister Kak Ngah

Surprise! Surprise! I was surfing the net one day out boredom and lo and behold, I came across a blog written by my third sister. Terkejut jugak la aku tengok and baca blog dia.....
Wow, ramai betul followers dia, from all over the world, tapi blog dia more towards tatting, if any of you are interested in tatting boleh la jengok her blog ( Frankly my Kak Ngah ni is the most creative among us siblings. She likes needlecrafts and is very good at sewing. She even attended a sewing class done during the lunchbreak at her office, dulu while she was working with BSN. Now she is no longer working, she optted for early retirement from the workforce and is now a full time housewife. She now has more time to concentrate on her needlecrafts and pursue other hobbies that she had no time for when she was working. She is also a good cook. Apa yang dia masak memang yummy, I especially like her apple pie, makan with vanilla ice-cream, sedap..... Wish I am half as good as she is when it comes to needlecrafts and cooking.
Hahahahaha, dream on la, the only thing I'm good at is doing the cross-stitch, other then watching tv, lazing on the bed with a good book. As to masak memasak, erm banyak yang tak menjadi dari menjadi....... hahahahahaha, tried baking, tapi cake yang aku bake semuanya bantat, masak lauk-pauk pulak either terlebih garam or terkurang garam, never could get the taste right. Kiranya aku ni pandai makan aje la ni hu hu hu hu, agaknya tu la pasai nobody trust me with the task of cooking the raya spread. My usual job for raya would be get the house ready, marshal the children around and jeng jeng jeng the top most job, cleaning up the mess after dia orang dah habis masak. Tapi tak pe lah each to his own, if semua nak jadi tukang masak sape pulak ye nak ngemas. Right!

1 comment:

sonata anak kancil said...

wow bestnya , saya dah tengok & baca blog your sister. Saya suka pelbagai crafts...tapi tatting , dulu2 'zaman dara' he he he ..ada buat jap,pas tu bungkus!crochet ada gak buat (zaman dulu2), nampak lah hasilnya dok guna skrg, pas tu dah 'berceriak' ngan anak - semuanya bungkus!

I like sewing - boleh jahit baju kurung you!( ambik tempahan lagi ) - tapi la ni, sibuk2 sangat-semua tolak tepi, nak tunggu pencen je!

Masak? I also loved cooking!tapi la ni? tunggu anak2 balik baru la masak sesungguhnya...