Jan 1, 2009


Hello to all the inhabitants of the cyberworld.....

Nothing much to write just to wish SALAM MAAL HIJRAH AND HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009.... Hopefully the new year will bring with it more joy and happiness. Hopefully whatever we set out to do with our life in the new year akan diberkati oleh Allah.....

Still busy and because of this, I feel guilty as hell for not being able to pay more attention to my aging parents. Feel like such an ungrateful anak and selfish to boot....that's how I feel and I think my family also agrees with my view about myself...

2009, come mid - January, I'll be a year older compared to last year but perangai duk macam tu lagi, hai bila la nak berubah ni.......hu hu hu hu

I wish I could go back in time and undo all the mistakes yang telah dibuat.....macam la boleh...

2009/1430 - I welcome you and I hope that there won't be any major upheavel waiting for me..........


Anonymous said...

kak,hepi new year. InsyaAllah tahun ni lagi ceria, happy, bahagia and a lot stronger than before. Come what may, be strong and be yourself!

as always, love

Anonymous said...

kak, please pray for our brothers and sisters in Gaza. They need all the help that they can get. Lets pray! Please...


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to u too freg, and let us pray for our brothers and sisters in Gaza.

Kak Faiz