May 18, 2009

Hari Yang Malas

No interesting entry to write just that I feel so bored today.......

I know I have tonnes of work to do but the MALAS bug bit me hard today so the malasness hari ni is extremely extremely high......... all I want to do is sit at my desk and stare at the computer, hoping against hope that the minutes I need to type will miraculously typed itself and hahahahaha the best part, jeng jeng jeng e-mailed itself to my boss for her approval, correct whatever needs to be corrected, print and file itself safely in the file......... hahahahahahahaha dream on babe, as if it's going to happen...... but no harm in dreaming, right.............


sonata anak kancil said...

jangan malas2...semoga ceria selalu , rajin2 la lawat rumah kekawan....

belated selamat hari guru...

REENAZ said...

Salam kak Faiz.....
Sebenarnya bukan malas, tapi boringgggg....Daripada boring tu yang timbul macam rasa malas.Bukan malas....