Jun 16, 2009

Not a Good Day

Yup today is not a good day, I have been driving like for upteem years and nothing major have happened, tergesel and tercalar situ sini tu biasala...... masa mula-mula dapat licence dulu pun, yang paling teruk pun, I dented the bumper when I accidentally pressed too hard on the accelerator while reversing and bang!!!! I ran smacked into a tree I didn't see was behind the car. Nasib at that time my father didn't scream bloody murder for what had happened. I think he knew I was already shaking in my boots while telling him what had happened to his precious car......ALHAMDULLILAH but today........

Hua, Hua Hua somebody bang into the back of my car today. And to make matter worst, the car I was driving was not even mine. The car belongs to my friend, a brand new MyVi, bought just two months ago...... I feel so bad and guilty to boots...... Nape la aku gatal nak guna kete dia...... but when I called to tell him about what happened, he was nice about, even saying "..it's alright, what's important is that nothing bad happened to you, yang penting selamat...." Hua, hua, hua, lagi la buat I feel sooooo guilty. If I was more careful all this would not have happened.......

A lesson learnt, to be more careful on the road.... Thinking of all the hassle I had to go through today, make me wish so much that I could put back the clock and erase what had happened this morning....... Sampai sekarang, while writing this, rasa bersalah tu masih tebal lagi dalam hati ku...



sonata anak kancil said...

sabar je la. nak wat cam na , dah terjadi...pernah I heard one teacher just bought the car & somebody bang behind her!!! alamak....sayangnya....

FWaiYMzJ said...

Thanks cikgu sonata tapi yang buat saya terkilan sgt tu sbb kete org...