Read an article in one of the daillies a few days back, the writer wrote something about the concept of openhouses that is so prevalent in our society today. In the article, the writer's compared to how Aidil Fitri or Aidil Adha for the matter was celebrated in the days of yores. The writer said, back then the concept of an openhouse would mean guests are welcomed to drop in at anytime, to celebrate the festival with the host family without any prior invitation. Nowadays, according to the writer, the trend is to have a special day for the celebration, where the host will send invitation to all and an extensive spread (depending on the budget of the host) will be waiting for the guests to enjoy. And this one day can fall on any day for the whole month of Syawal.
I personally have experienced both types of celebrations, and to be franked, I prefer the old style of celebrating Aidil Fitri, where all are welcomed, regardless, the sense of camaraderies between family and friends are deeply felt, but I do understand that the rigour of today's world, necessited the need to assigned a special day to invite friends and relatives to celebrate Aidil Fitri together with the host. I don't know, maybe it's just me and not others, but I feel that the warmth and closes in the relationship is somewhat diluted when Aidil Fitri is celebrated in this manner.
I have heard stories of where the host family go all out in the preparation for the openhouse and invitations send to more than 50 people, with some even agreeing to attend the openhouse. Sadly to say, only one person attended, how would you feel if you are the host for that openhouse? You have slogged so hard to make sure that there're enough food for everyone, spend time agonising about the menu, but come the big day, only one person turned up to celebrate Aidil Fitri with you. It made feel me so sad when I heard this story, thinking of the wastage of food, money and time for the host. The sadness she/he must had felt, thinking that in the pegging order of her/his friends, she/he is at the bottom of the list. The excuse is always there that there's too many invitations to excuses are given at the last minutes, even though a promise has been given. I have been taught that once a promise is given, you must fulfill the promise...on the other hand, promises nowadays seems of no value, a worthless commodity in the fast-paced world of today. Some of you reading this, may think that I'm old-fashioned, but I do acknowledged that when it comes to promises, I'm very old fashioned in that sense...that's why I'll try to fulfill any promises I made to attend any openhouse invitation extended to me, even though I'm filled to the gills. I'll try to make it to the openhouses, and probably stayed to chit-chat or just to sample some of the food prepared. I think by doing this, I would gladden the heart of the host, while strengthening our relationship.
I've rambled long enough about openhouses, and today is the last day for the month of Syawal, I still have one last openhouse to attend. I'll be there, I know for a fact that the food will be delicious as one little bird whispered in my ear, as the food for this one particular openhouse is catered from a top-notch caterer, so for now I've to keep some parts of the tank empty in anticipation of the food....hahahahaha.
Lastly, in twenty years time, I wonder how Aidil Fitri/Aidil Adha will be celebrated, will the concept of openhouses withstand time, or will it change as the world become more individualistic? Only time will tell, and for now I'll try insyaAllah, to attend all the openhouses invitation extended to me.. and in the near future, before I go to meet my Maker... :)