Jan 21, 2009


Mencuri masa untuk menaip di sini. These past few days things are a bit quiet on the homefront and at work. A nice break after all the craziness of November, December and early part of January. But over the weekend, Sunday to be precise, I had a wonderful time catching up with my old varsity mate in Putrajaya. It has been a while since we both parted ways to follow our own individual path, and we have not seen each other for about 13 years! Give or take one or two years. If I can rightly recollect, the last that we met was in Kelantan, when she was serving there with Suraya, another of our varsity mate. Back then she had those big rimmed spectacles on, and to think of it so did I. Well that was the height of fashion then! I used to get teased a lot about those big rimmed spectacles I used to wear, in the name of fashion mind you, by my nieces and nephews. The comments when they saw my photos would be, "amboi besaqnya spec!" followed by "nape dalam semua gambar, cik ni asyik tersengih aje, nampak gigi tu...." with everyone breaking into laughter. Tak pe lah, tu kira ok lagi tu, tapi bila dia orang mula cakap nape dulu cik kurus tapi sekarang dah debab, perit jugak rasanya, geram pun ada, tapi kenyataan, tak boleh la nak cakap apa...... except laugh with them..... hu hu hu hu
And Myza jangan marah, story kat sini pasal spec besar tu, and if I'm not mistaken, I also used to tease you a lot by mis-pronouncing your name. Mintak maaf banyak-banyak ye. Saja suka nyakat Myza. Now look at you, a wife, mother and I bet a damn (sorry for the language) good teacher to boot. But one thing is definite, weight wise you have not change much, masih kecik molek macam dulu..... apa rahsia tu, share la sikit..... tengah duk cuba kurang kan berat ni, tapi nampak gaya duk macam tu jugak, debab.... pagi tadi pun boss yang baru balik lepas cuti sebulan pun boleh cakap."eh, nape you nampak gemok sekarang?" Caught me of guard there, sampai no sassy remarks to utter, terdiam beb! Tapi kena ngaku la memang sekarang badan dah makin montel... Apa tak nya asyik makan aje tak kira masa. Makan, tidur, excercise kureng, so badan tu macam kena pump - pump la. Boleh dikatakan my second job sekarang ni is menternak lemak... hu hu hu hu. Bagi la petua Myza, dapat badan macam Myza kan bagus, kecik comel gitu.
Tambah in my line of job sekarang ni, bab - bab makan ni is part and parcel of it. Apa taknya bila ada courses to run, makan sampai 5 kali sehari tu tak mustahil. Tu tak termasuk lagi dengan event-event lain yang kena attend, penutup dia mesti ada makan-makan. And my resolution to stay away from the food will usually crumble and fly right out of the dining hall, selalunya it started with tak pe lah just nak rasa aje, after the first bite, a little devil will whisper in my ear, tak pe makan aje, esok boleh diet balik. Hah macam la I can resist the food the next day! Tapi selalunya mesti makan punya, guarantee!!!!! What with nampak kekawan makan sedap aje. Ha ha ha ha ha that is me, nak kurus tapi no will power to exercise and control makan. Sampai bila - bila pun nampaknya chek ni akan terus menternak lemak la gayanya...... hu hu hu

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