Nov 19, 2010

Roller Coaster Ride

It has been a roller coaster ride for me this week, emotion wise - with running here and there to make sure that everything run smoothly for the "Speech Drafting Workshop". It wouldn't be such a roller coaster ride if the people who are supposed to be helping with the logistics part have not gone missing for hours for the two days that the workshop was running.

On top of that I have the DiD class to teach.... that's another thing I have to think of, notwithstanding the classes that I have teach in Wisma starting next week. I'm so worried that I will not be able to get all the materials ready for all the classes. Now I'm just so tired, mentally and physically, and it doesn't help to have people jumping on you for the slightest wrong in the planning, even though it's none of my fault..... orang lain buat aku yang kena salvonya... mana tahan macam ni....

Come to think of it, if I can bomb a few people, I would have done it with much pleasure two days back, sadist tak my thinking.... a friend of mine commented that I'm full of anger and hatred this past few weeks, and he asked me to chill out sikit and enjoy life. I think I'm going to take his advice... nanti kena hypertension pulak... no way would I want that... sakit nanti susah, sapa nak tolong and I also would not like to to be a burden to others.... Insya Allah...

I'm hoping with all my heart that next week will not be another roller coaster ride. So, I better get cracking on the materials for the Wisma classes.

Nov 8, 2010


Hai la apa lah orang ni, dulu cakap lain, sekarang cakap lain . Letih la aku dengan orang ni... pelik betul aku dengan orang ni, if dia yang tak ikut procedure tak pe, bila aku... panjang la leter dia, nak kata aku tak ikut procedure PUN, ye ke aku tak ikut procedure..... aku tak akan buat cara tu if aku tak dapat kan green light dari dia juga... hish geramnya aku....

Yang dia tu kadang melangkau batas tak pe.... bila aku dah salah la pulak, aku rasa aku tak de melangkau sapa2 pun....e-mail dihantar serentak, salah aku ke yang tu dulu respond pada e-mail aku..... hish susah betul la dengan dia ni..... kadang2 benda yang dia sendiri tak rasa confident nak buat, dengan senang hatinya dia lumpkan aku sama2 dengan rasa tak confident dia tu..... he tolong la ..... aku bukan kau la weh ... apa kau ingat kau tu ada more experience than aku, so kiranya aku ni bodoh la sangat and tak boleh buat apa yang kau tak boleh buat .... tolong la sikit jangan pandang rendah sangat kat aku ni..... GERAM GERAM GERAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM .. bila orang ni merajuk, satu dunia tahu, canang sana sini mintak orang duk belah pihak dia... pelik bin ajaib betul aku dengan orang



Come to think of it, plus minus and subtract here and there... actually i don't quite like long courses. I prefer the short courses more... he he he he and I don't have any specific reasons as to why I don't like long courses. But if I'm the one attending the long course, that's another story all together. The bottomline is I just hate, erm maybe not hate, too harsh there, more like just plain dislike long courses... period.