Nov 14, 2009


Berdoalah kepada ALLAH sentiasa walau diri penuh dengan dosa dan noda.

INGAT! Sesungguhnya ALLAH itu Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Mengasihani

Nov 3, 2009

Malas Day

Have things to do but I'm in my malas mode..... Next week I have a course to run but erm the malas bug is really biting extra hard today.

All I want to do is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz the day away. Now pun I'm practically yawning away... auw my jaws hurt dah from all the yawning.

Wish I can doze off sekejap but it's too early in the day, I need to finish what I am doing now, at least when the dragon asks, I can show that there's some progress from last we had the discussion on what is to be done for next week.

Ermmmmm, need to wait for lunch break to get my forty winks.... hei hei hei ~peace~