I hate it when people looked down their noses at me and have this holier then thou expression on their faces, especially when the course is running, as if I have not put in my blood, sweat and tears to ensure that the course would be a success.
I REALLY REALLY HATE IT..... ar'gh.... but I have to istighfar banyak-banyak and keep saying to myself sabar, sabar think of their age, otai kata kan, but ar'gh, one of them really bugs me more than the other...hem sabar aje lah..
She has this holier than thou attitude everytime we have a course to run together and never lift a finger to help with the logistics for the course and when anything goes wrong... the blame falls on my lap, is that fair?????? aaaaaar'gh thinking of it is enough to make my mood go all sour. Just because she's pampered at home and everything gets done for her, don't expect the same thing at the office, buat sama-sama la,
berat sama dipikul ringan sama dijinjing. All she wants to do is, sits back like a queen, with arms akimbo, and look down her snooty nose at me scurrying around ensuring that everything is in place. I thing that what really bugs me most is when dia bekira sangat about the division of work. If it appears as if I have less teaching hours then her, she'll go crying to the Director, asking the Director to intervene on her behalf and to make sure that I get equal cuts of the pie same as her...and most of the time the Director will side her, just because they are good friends from way back. All she wants to do is just to waltz in and teach. But she doesn't give a thought that while she's happily teaching, I'll be running around in circles, chasing after the course clerks to make sure that everything is in place and no hiccups will occur thoughout the duration of the course and at the same time preparing for my lectures.
Talking about the course clerks (one otai and one with an attitude) and in some ways the P.A to the Director too is part of the circus, is another story all together.... enough said. Come to think of it there's more otai compared to the not so otai in my division....erm sabar aje lah.