Hu hu hu hu most of the old guards at this office are going out either being transferred or on voluntary basis.... I feel quite sad to see them go, ye lah dah lama working with them.... dah understand their rentak in going about their business..... will miss them so much, not to see them at the table when we have our monthly management meetings and the various taskforces set-up by the Senior Director when there's a need for the setting up of the taskforce.... I will especially miss the dry wits of one of the Deputy Directors in combatting any digs at the issues being discussed at the meetings.
Another Deputy Director that I will miss is ... for his colourful batik shirts every Thursday and his blur, blur expression when something just doesn't go the way he plans or thinks.....the standard answer would be..."eh ye ke, I tak tau pun, ingat okay boleh buat..." hahahahahaha. That's one of his many idiosyncrasies that will remain, arched in my memories, particularly his huge smile (grinning from ear to ear, is more like it) and sunny disposition...... yup I'll miss that..... the jokes and laughter when the goings get tough, to ensure that everything goes according to plans for all major events held at the office....
But whatever it is, that is part of the cycle of life, people will eventually move on, and I wish them all the best in their new workplace and hopefully the friendship that have been forged in this office will last forever. Amen...
Me... I too would like to move on from this place..... to try new things and to learn new things... I don't want to feel jaded with my life...... frankly, I don't want to retire here! If possible I want accumulate as much knowledge as I can.... not just from books (theorectically) but also those gained from experiences, and personally I think, to do that I need venture into the unknown.... Yes, maybe even going to live in another country! .....but I'm still too chicken to take that step.... InsyaAllah one day, who knows, I may get my wish......hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Another Deputy Director that I will miss is ... for his colourful batik shirts every Thursday and his blur, blur expression when something just doesn't go the way he plans or thinks.....the standard answer would be..."eh ye ke, I tak tau pun, ingat okay boleh buat..." hahahahahaha. That's one of his many idiosyncrasies that will remain, arched in my memories, particularly his huge smile (grinning from ear to ear, is more like it) and sunny disposition...... yup I'll miss that..... the jokes and laughter when the goings get tough, to ensure that everything goes according to plans for all major events held at the office....
But whatever it is, that is part of the cycle of life, people will eventually move on, and I wish them all the best in their new workplace and hopefully the friendship that have been forged in this office will last forever. Amen...
Me... I too would like to move on from this place..... to try new things and to learn new things... I don't want to feel jaded with my life...... frankly, I don't want to retire here! If possible I want accumulate as much knowledge as I can.... not just from books (theorectically) but also those gained from experiences, and personally I think, to do that I need venture into the unknown.... Yes, maybe even going to live in another country! .....but I'm still too chicken to take that step.... InsyaAllah one day, who knows, I may get my wish......hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
To Sonata, alhamdullilah demam dah kebah, but not after makan ubat bergantang - gantang and visiting the doctor twice, siap kena buat x - ray lagi, hu hu hu hu, sebab the doctor is afraid that something might be wrong with my lungs. Tapi alhamdullilah dah ok.... nothing serious... demam dah baik tapi on the workfront dah mula busy..... today pun busy, preparing for tomorrow's event - public lecture by Rev. Jesse Louis Jackson Sr.