Feb 18, 2009


A big, big smile on my face now.... Why? Boss is now back in town, hahahahaha lalalalalala, I'm practically doing an invisible dance now, hohoho, if people could see it, then they would know how happy I'm that she's now back in town! I'm sooooooooo happpy, tak terkata betapa happynya diri ini. Lalalalalala tak payah lagi attend meetings on her behalf, ada la masa to buat keje lain yang perlu dibuat.

I don't have to cover for her now, she's now here to make sure that everyone has to toe the line, work wise I mean. Cos I know for a fact that when she was away, I tried to keep things in balance and that, I could bet, do not sit too well with some people..... They do not say it directly to my face, but...... I do get the vibes sent out by them. Well, that's life, you can't please everyone.

Myza, sawang - sawang kat sini, baru hari ni dapat bersihkan, before this tak sempat, kena siapkan budget la, KPI la and attend meetings memanjang, tapi now that boss is back boleh la kut kerap sikit singgah kat sini hei hei hei...... Now pun, boss is attending the budget meeting for 2010/2011 yang I planned for practically single-handedly, but I'm not whinning about doing it, cos when I showed it to my boss, the first day she came in, she was happy with it and did only minor adjustments to the budget before asking me to submit it to the Finance Unit. Anyway I see it as another learning curve in my life, maybe beneficial to me in the long run, who knows!

Feb 5, 2009


Huh bosan, a tiring day for me and a long week to boot, non-stop meeting the past few days. Tomorrow I have another meeting to attend, taskforce for the Bridges Series, scheduled for April 22, about a month to work on the planning of the event. Knowing Dato', and I can bet that the taskforce will be put through the grinder, just to make sure that everything runs smoothly on the day of the event. Well! that's another music I'll have to face when the time comes.

As for now I am kept pretty busy with the drafting of the division's Budget for 2010 and 2011, plus the KPI for my division. I am done with the 2008 and 2009 KPIs but Dato wants to fine tune it lagi, so back to the drawing board la nampaknya. And I hate using Excel, the table is never friendly to me. Geram betul, never want to follow my command. I wonder how others managed to do it and come-up with nice print out of the reports on Excel, while mine will either be lop-sided or too small and the print will be finer still, even though I've tried all the suggestion given to me on how to make the print-out bigger and more pleasing to the eyes.

Huh! Penat giler....tapi penat-penat pun kena jugak buat nanti singa jumps on my back, tak ke haru nanti.... tak pasal luka hu hu hu hu